Thursday, October 28, 2010

Welcome to the blog!

Even though Chris can quote random lines from old TV shows and movies with amazing accuracy, I have trouble remembering something that happened last week. So I want to make an effort to document this amazing time in our lives -- being pregnant with three little boys! -- so I will have something to look back on and remember what it was like. I want to be able to savor all the highs and lows that come with not only being pregnant, but also carrying multiples.

So to start, this week has been pretty fantastic. Even though I've been on bedrest for a few weeks, I was able to leave the house on Sunday to attend a baby shower our friends threw for both of us. It was such a fun time -- we were finally able to catch up with a great group of friends we had not seen in a while. But the best part was probably seeing everyone's kids playing together. They are all different ages, but ranged from 5 months to 3 years. It was very cool to think that in a year, our three kids will be part of this group! Check out the amazing cake our friend Jessica made for the shower (and it tasted as good as it looked!).

Also this week Chris was able to empty out our office room and move all the guest room furniture into there. It looks great and is ready for visitors! Even though I couldn't do much to help, it was a good feeling of accomplishment knowing that this was the first step to starting on the nursery. Now the nursery is completely empty -- ready to be painted, cleaned, and to move in furniture. I can't wait to see what it ends up looking like! I wish I could go out to the stores to do some more shopping, but unfortunately, that's not possible at this point.

I'm now at 26 weeks, 1 day. Even though I can't wait to meet these little guys, I know they need to stay inside for a while longer. We are just taking it week-by-week at this point. The ultimate goal would be to get to 34-35 weeks, but it may not be possible given the fact that I'm so short (there's just not that much room to expand in a short body like mine). But at our ultrasound this week, the boys were all weighing in at over 2 pounds -- which is what they should weigh if they were all singletons!